שרשור עידכונים


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גוון סטפני חוזרת לעונה התשיעית של דה וויס

חדשות ערוץ E! אישרו שגוון סטפני חוזרת לעונה הבאה של דה וויס - מה שמבחינתיינו אומר שכריסטינה לא תחזור לכסא המסתובב בחודשים הקרובים.

אבל רגע לפני שאתם פותחים את השמפנייה - יש סיכויי שכריסטינה תחזור לעונה העשירית.
A source told E! News that Aguilera plans to return for season 10. "Right now she's focusing on being a mom and new music," the source said.



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טוב, זה היה ברור שהיא לא תעשה שתי עונות רצופות.

אני מקווה שזהו זה (אבל משום מה קשה לי להיות אופטימי לגבי זה


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וידיאו: בריטני דוחפת את כריסטינה מהמיטה

תוכנית הטלוויזיה America's Funniest Home Videos שידרה קטע ישן, שאני לא חושבת שראינו בעבר, של בריטני וכריסטינה כשהיו קטנות.
בוידיאו רואים את בריטני דוחפת את כריסטינה ממיטת קומותיים.. אבל אזזזזזז - קארמה איז א ביץ'



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תמונה חדשה של סאמר

החדשות היחידות בתקופה הזאת

וסטינקי (או צ'ואי?
אני כבר לא זוכרת) ברקע



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כותבת השירים קארה דיוגארדי מדברת על העבודה עם כריסטינה

קארה דיוגארדי עבדה עם כריסטינה על האלבום B2B ובאוטוביוגרפיה שלה היא כתבה על העבודה עם כריסטינה.
קצת ארוך אבל שווה קריאה!

In terms of vocal ability, it doesn't get much better than Christina Aguilera. The prospect of working with her was extremely exciting. Ron Fair, an accredited producer and record executive who signed her to her record deal at RCA, had recommended that we meet since she was looking for a songwriter to collaborate with. I went over to her home in the Hollywood Hills. She had his fabulous sunken living room with the most fantastic view of L.A. I was taken downstairs into the media room, where I sat on a big pink fluffy ottoman waiting for her with her dogs, Stinky and Chewy.
When she came down to join me, I was struck by how petite she was. Where did that voice come from? I wondered. She introduced herself and began to tell me about the record she was making. It was a throwback to many of the great early R&B/jazz artists like Etta James and Nat King Cole. Christina had a deep respect and appreciation for the music that came before her. I liked how direct and focused she was and I got a kick out of how professionally the interview was conducted. Was this the same girl from the "Dirrty" video? Definitely not. She was all grown up.
She played me some tracks she liked and asked what melodies I would put over them. I sang whatever came to mind and actually felt a bit nervous as I was definitely being put on the spot. After about twenty minutes she thanked me for coming by and said she would be in touch. Sure you will, the jaded part of me thought to myself. I was very impressed by her and hoped we would meet again.
A few months passed and I had almost forgotten about our meeting when I got the call to write with her on her album, Back to Basics. I have extremely fond memories of our writing sessions. Christina has a soft side that the world doesn't always see, similar to myself. I was flattered that I got to witness it and that she opened up to me about so many aspects of her life. To be able to help someone communicate those moments through song is what I live for.
She did everything I hate to do well. I would hear music and have an immediate melodic and lyrical response. Christina was more methodical and would go over and over the lyrics and melodies till she was certain they were right. She used different color markers to highlight issues she had with the songs. And when it came to her singing, she would sing a lick thirty times till she felt it was perfect. I could never even hear the different between the takes. She was very thorough and around her I felt somewhat lazy.
Toward the end of the album she was not sure we had the single yet. She was in love with this DJ Premier track and kept insisting it was her single. I wasn't into it at all. The beginning of the track had a sample that said, "do yo thing, honey" over and over till it made you want to throw something at the speakers. If the first thirty seconds of the song made me want to do that, imagine what a full 3:30 would do. But Christina would not let up and it was my job to listen to the artist. I didn't understand why I was so resistant to her inclination. Probably because when we started writing 'Ain't No Other Man,' it became clear it was about with her then husband, Jordan. Her past with men seemed to be similar to mine. She had been searching for the right one, and when she found him, it completely changed her life for the better. I wasn't on the same wavelength she was. Maybe I didn't want to talk about the perfect relationship because I knew I was far from it in my own life and couldn't fathom it ever happening in the future. Whatever the case, I sucked it up (as I should've from the start) and we crafted the perfect wedding song—at least my perfect wedding song. I sang it to my husband in karaoke form at our wedding. It was one of the only times in my life I couldn't have cared less if I hit all the notes or gave a great performance, because he needed to hear the lyrics. I had unknowingly written them for him.


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המפיק איאן קירקפטריק עובד עם כריסטינה

תמיד מרגש לשמוע שכריסטינה עובדת על מוזיקה חדשה.

הפעם המפיק/כותב השירים איאן קירקפטריק העלה לאינסטגרם שלו תמונה מהסטודיו הביתי של כריסטינה ורשם את הדבר הבא:

awesome night at Queen Aguilera's palace ... one of the craziest most fun sessions ever #blessed#didhejusthashtagblessed #latergram
יש לנו פה מעריץ! קווין אגילרה

והסנטרפיס בתמונה זה נאגט
